Ayrton Magico

Museo Autodromo di Imola Checco Costa

  • Museo Autodromo di Imola Checco Costa

  • Multimedia set-up
  • Exhibition Design
  • Design / Manufacturing
  • Video Production
  • Event / Temporary Exhibition

25 years after the death of Ayrton Senna, the new Multimedia Museum Autodromo di Imola – Checco Costa hosts an exhibition that tells the story of the Brazilian champion through an innovative and immersive narration

Ayrton Magico – The soul beyond limits: from visitors to protagonists

The exhibition is set up in an innovative and highly technological museum space within the unique context of the Checco Costa Imola Autodrome Multimedia Museum. A multimedia set-up ensures the involvement of the visitor, making him the protagonist of the visiting experience. The exhibition recreates a metaphysical space, giving the visitor the sensation of feeling inside Ayrton Senna’s helmet and living with him his thoughts and emotions on the track. The environment is veiled in a halo of mystery through a system of panelling, black volumes, platforms and lights that together recreate an exhibition environment suspended in time, in which the thoughts that are consumed in a few fractions of a second are dilated temporally, and re-proposed as flashbacks, almost as in a dreamlike vision. The visitor, immersed in a space of half-light, will discover through the accurate use of light and sound the exhibition itinerary, which will allow the visitor to freely enjoy the spaces without a precise order, like a flow of thoughts without solution of continuity. Thanks to the equipment installed in the museum, the space and the exhibition route are developed on two levels. A more emotional level represented by the halls, where the visitor is immersed in a multisensory and highly emotional environment, and a more didactic ‘between the halls’ route, where the visitor still experiences a multimedia experience, but with more didactic, interactive content, images, infographics, with 3 single-seaters driven during his career and memorabilia of Ayrton as a backdrop and real reminder of the great driver’s human and sporting journey.

uomo con cuffie che osserva una proiezione della mostra Ayrton Senna
casco di Ayrton Senna presso la Mostra MAICC

History and Myth come to life thanks to technology

Ayrton Magico is a real journey to discover the milestones of the Brazilian champion’s career, in a sort of timeless and dreamlike journey through images, audios and films from the RAI historical archive. Stock footage, interviews, images, memorabilia will be the background to the human and sporting journey of the great driver, which will be recreated inside the completely renovated Multimedia Museum.

proiezione immersiva realizzata da ett per la Mostra MAICC su Ayrton Senna
Ayrton Magico proiezione multimediale
The 1,000 square metres that make up the space house 20 multimedia video projectors that ensure maximum colour fidelity and the reproduction of content in very high definition, allowing visitors to enjoy an immersive experience with a strong visual impact, and 4 touchscreen installations that allow visitors to delve into all the stages of Ayrton Senna’s sporting career and get the details of the single-seaters he drove in Formula 1

The route

The route and the story unfolds in five thematic nuclei, developed in the four exhibition spaces On board Senna – Visitors are invited inside an immersive space and experience a lap of the track together with Ayrton Senna. Each person is equipped with a personalised headset that allows them to really get in tune with the driver himself, creating a very involving ‘helmet effect’. On the walls are projected evocative images and videos of some of Senna’s extraordinary exploits. During this lap, the visitor is completely immersed in a world of track sounds, the driver’s voice, breaths, heartbeat. The Wizard of Rain – In this exhibit, visitors are dropped into a real ‘waterfall’ of water that simulates the driver’s vision when he lowers his visor and speeds at 300km/h around the track. The spectator is taken into an immersive environment with wall and ground projections that simulate the vision and sensation of water on the track. The sacrifice -The user is immersed within a highly emotional and immersive projection that allows him/her to totally empathise with the 3 driver and the story being told. Transcendence – The setting aims to abstract the person from the context in which they find themselves, almost hypnotising them with respect to their surroundings. The visitor is catapulted almost into a ‘supernatural’ dimension, in a succession of sounds, images and videos projected on the walls.

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