On Sunday, 8 April’s episode of Tg2 Weekend, the Tg2 programme dedicated to leisure time during the weekend, a report on the Neffie project was aired. Interviewed by journalist Simona Burattini, presenter of the “Cultura digitale” (digital culture) space, Alberto Sanna, Director of the Centro Ricerca Tecnologie Avanzate (advanced technology research centre) at the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, discusses the project. Technology is progressively changing the artist’s point of view, starting with photography as a digital tool and window into today’s reality. The Neffie project focuses on the photography of the future but also brings together neuroscience and artificial intelligence. From the simple photo, passing through the “Coffie” phase, the cognitive photography produced by the observer’s emotions in front of an image or object of art, the project today reaches its peak with the fruition of artistic ideas within the metaverse on ETT’s Spatial. In this environment, the spectator is also the artist, and the work observed is the restitution of the individual observer.
The service from minute 16:36. https://www.rainews.it/rubriche/tg2week-end