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Back-to-back with the renowned World Ocean Race, a week-long series of talks and workshops took place addressing critical themes related to sustainability, the blue economy, smart cities, and citizen science unfolded in Genova from June 27th to June 30th, 2023, organized by ETT. This dedicated week provided a tangible platform for the exchange of ideas and knowledge among Europe’s most influential figures in the sustainability arena. It actively contributed to the global discourse on ocean preservation and sustainable development.
A full day was dedicated to the exploration of “Low-Cost/Cost-Effective Technologies for Ocean Data Monitoring and Participatory Initiatives,” during which Nautilos unveiled a policy brief titled “Empowering Citizens Through Ocean Knowledge Co-production.” The document underscores the pivotal role of the ocean in the Earth’s system and emphasises the importance of understanding and managing it sustainably, with a focus on citizen science. It advocates for the inclusion of common citizens, leveraging readily available technologies to engage them in oceanographic data acquisition, raising awareness about related issues. This democratisation of marine observation is termed “citizen science,” wherein the public actively participates in scientific research projects, contributing data and observations for analysis by researchers, promoting cost-efficient and sustainable marine observation.

On the Nautilos Policy Round Table, the project unveiled its second policy brief, titled “Supporting Ocean Observations to Address Climate Change.” This document highlights the continued importance of ocean observation in the context of addressing climate change. While efforts have shifted towards actionable solutions, it stresses the ongoing need for collecting data to understand environmental trends and the Earth’s system. Continuous monitoring of the oceans is crucial for comprehending their state, dynamics, properties, and their impact on the Earth’s climate, especially given the rapidity of climate change.

Download Policy Brief n. 1 Empowering Citizens Through Ocean Knowledge Co-production and Policy Brief n. 2 Supporting Ocean Observations To Address Climate Change here.