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MonGOOS, which stands for Mediterranean Operational Network for the Global Ocean Observing System, is one of the regional sections of the UNESCO Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) initiative that aims to foster the exchange and implementation of oceanographic data-sharing networks ata global level.

From 21 to 24 November, Florence will be the leading centre for discussion on the oceanography of the European and Mediterranean Seas. Researchers and experts from Europe will meet in the Tuscan capital to discuss the theme of sharing sea observation data and the Mediterranean Sea in particular. In fact, data are fundamental for the development of operational services, also at the local scale, on the themes of the safety of navigation, protection of the marine environment, and for all the components of the Blue Economy (the economy linked to the sea).

The event is being held in Tuscany thanks to the collaboration of the LaMMA Consortium, which joined the MonGOOS network a few years ago. For the LaMMA Consortium, which over the years has invested resources and expertise in the construction of a Tuscan sea observation system (also thanks to cross-border projects involving the installation of measurement instruments, including HF radars), being part of this network means being able to exploit the data produced even beyond the regional scale, towards an extended scale such as that of the Mediterranean Sea.