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‘There were 52,909 visitors who, between March, April and May in Buenos Aires, searched for their roots inside the ‘MEI Experience Room’, the box of time, the immersive multimedia experience on Italian emigration conceived and realised by the MEI Foundation – National Museum of Italian Emigration on the occasion of the Amerigo Vespucci ship’s world tour and curated by ETT, the Genoese company of Gruppo SCAI , which designs and produces multimedia set-ups for culture, tourism and events at an international level.’

Source il Sole24ore

The immersive cube tells the stories of Italian emigration with a football focus on the various clubs founded by Italians and told in an engaging succession of motion graphics animated images. Eight sections of the MEI Experience Room are dedicated to realities and personalities that have made great Italian-Argentinean sports history.

Read more in the news Buenos Aires MEI Experience Room.