ETT Group


Twenty years of experience in diverse sectors: Public Administration,
Culture and Tourism, Industry, Communications,
and Research and Innovation

The Group

A multidisciplinary innovation network that ensures comprehensive services, from design to delivery, for each area of corporate competence

Immagine di Dante nella Divina Commedia, tratta dal progetto di digitalizzazione di codici miniati danteschi realizzato da Space, società del Gruppo ETT
Technology for culture

ETT + Space

In-depth study of information technologies applied to the enhancement and management of cultural heritage

Flusso circolare azzurro
Digital Publishing

ETT + Gruppo Meta

Solutions, portals and digital platforms for publishing and the innovative management of archival heritage

Boccette di vetro odorose create per il Fragrance Finder, progetto multimediale e multisensoriale realizzato da ETT
Retail Solutions

ETT + Corepixx

Interactive and emotional paths between physical and digital spaces, creativity and state-of-the-art technologies for retail 4.0


L'allunaggio dell'Apollo 11, astronauta con tuta bianca sulla luna
Innovative Dissemination

ETT + Vis

The first spin-off of the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa for innovative scientific dissemination

sezione di ponte vista dal passo, con piloni nella parte inferiore e cielo azziuro con alcune nuvole sulla destra nello sfondo
Risk management and Infrastructure safety

ETT + Grisis

Grisis, Risk Management and Infrastructure safety on a regional scale

onde azzurre e rosa graficate che si intrecciano su sfondo nero
Computational linguistics

ETT + Talia

The first computational linguistics spin-off created through the work of the CNR Institute of Computational Linguistics “A. Zampolli” in Pisa Department of Human and Social Sciences, Cultural Heritage (DSU), in collaboration with GruppoMeta


We manage and coordinate the entire creative and executive journey, from conception to delivery to post-launch support.


Innovation at the service of creativity

We integrate technological expertise with design and storytelling skills to create unforgettable experiences


Competing with the future

ETT’s Research & Innovation cluster creates solutions to support the entire supply chain


Surprising with knowledge

We are able to implement, for any content, the strategic step change that enthusiastically leads from familiarity to awareness


We are here to help you with your digital growth