Grand Finale

Ocean Race Grand Finale ETT

In the context of the world’s most famous regatta, an entire week of talks and workshops focusing on key topics related to sustainability, the blue economy, smart cities, and citizen science. Concrete opportunities for an exchange of ideas and knowledge among the most influential voices in the field of sustainability in Europe, to actively contribute to the global debate on ocean conservation and sustainable development.

Tuesday 27/06/2023, morning

Policy Round Table - Supporting Ocean Observations

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The panel “Policy Round Table – Supporting Ocean Observations” will provide a significant opportunity for policy-making, representing in the international context of the NAUTILOS project a moment of confrontation aimed at the identification of the main problematics connected to the activities of Ocean Observation and to the strategies aimed at their mitigation. The project NAUTILOS (New Approach to Underwater Technologies for Innovative, Low-cost Ocean observationS) aims to unlock the critical knowledge contained within the ocean in the next decades and the mutual advantages of marine observation. The H2020 flagship project aims to develop a new generation of low-cost sensors and samplers and integrate observation technologies and platforms in large-scale demonstrations in European seas, making a significant contribution to the democratization of marine environment monitoring.

Tuesday 27/06/2023, afternoon

Marine Data, Information and Knowledge for EU Green Deal and Climate Change


The afternoon session will feature a continuation of the discussion on the crucial role of data collection and processing in addressing climate change concerns. Moreover, it will emphasize the significance of these efforts in empowering decision-makers with the necessary tools to effectively implement new European mitigation policies. After introducing the European Marine Observation and Data network program through some operational examples, climate predictions and scenarios up to 2100 will be discussed.

Wednesday 28/06/2023, full day

Towards a user-focused, interdisciplinary, and responsive European ocean observing and forecasting system - EuroSea

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EuroSea works to improve the European ocean observing and forecasting system in a global context. It brings together key European actors of ocean observing and forecasting with users of oceanographic products and services. The day is dedicated to improving and integrating ocean observation systems with weather forecasting systems in order to provide end-users – public authorities, policymakers, universities, research centers, industries in the maritime sector, and society as a whole – with holistic tools for sustainable ocean management. The agenda of the day will be marked by presentations on the activities of the connections and the joint effort that partners bring to the project.

Thursday 29/06/2023, morning

Smart Blue Sustainable Cities

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The ecosystem represents a kind of “engine” for rewriting the foundations of industrialization through Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, also to tackle the energy challenge and include solid ethical and human-centered design, creating stable and virtuous connections among the stakeholders and implementing an environment that fosters innovation with high economic and social impact.
RAISE is an innovation ecosystem based on the scientific and technological domains of AI and Robotics, focusing on the needs of a specific regional context, namely the Liguria Region. The project aspires to evolve into a highly attractive ecosystem for companies, investors, and researchers, both at the national and international level.

Thursday 29/06/2023, afternoon

Between biodiversity and sustainability: science to raise awareness, awareness to guide behaviour

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The marine environment, which encompasses many ecosystems rich in biodiversity, is a key resource for human beings, but its activities over time have put it at risk. For this reason, one of the challenges of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive is to improve the management of the marine environment to protect marine ecosystems and biodiversity. Assessing the risks that can arise from human activities and the resulting direct and indirect impacts on biodiversity, developing effective management tools for the conservation of protected marine species in the context of sustainable use of the sea, identifying new technological solutions to reduce the trophic impact of marine activities, are some of the themes that will be discussed through a single table of discussion and design, creating links between development strategies and opportunities for collaboration.

Friday 30/06/2023, full day

Towards a user-focused, interdisciplinary, and responsive European ocean observing and forecasting system - EuroSea

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The ocean plays a significant role in the Earth’s system, and understanding its importance is crucial for ensuring sustainable management and exploitation. Ocean observation should not be a task for experts and scientists alone. Citizen science is a form of scientific collaboration where members of the public participate in scientific research projects, providing data and observations that can be analyzed by researchers. By supporting citizen science initiatives, policymakers can democratize marine observation science, creating a new type of self-driven, sustainable, and cost-efficient observatory concept, and at the same time, providing for the making of informed decisions based on the best available information.
In partnership with the Chamber of Commerce of Genova and the Enterprise Europe Network this session offers the opportunity of attending a transnational B2B Ocean Race event. Attenders are invited to visit the platform and register to the business event EEN Sport Itinerary 2023 – B2B Ocean Race.

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