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Il logo con scritta del festival nazionale delle università, a cui ha partecipato Giovanni Verreschi, che si è svolto a Roma e che aveva come tema principale l'intelligenza artificiale

The National Festival of Universities, the second event dedicated to Italian universities, is held from 17 to 19 May at Università degli Studi Link (Rome).  

This edition focuses on Artificial Intelligence, data, robotization, and human-machine interaction, as well as the impact these technologies will have on our society, the skills necessary to guide this process responsibly, the professions which will likely disappear, those that will emerge, and how work will evolve in the future.  

Giovanni Verreschi will participate in two events at the event:   

Thursday, 18 May, 4.30 pm – Giovanni Verreschi introduces the seminar “Gaming, Metaverso e Realtà estesa” (Gaming, Metaverse and Extended Reality): gaming as learning, a laboratory for the development of artificial intelligence. The metaverse and extended reality for a new everyday life: home automation, entertainment, virtual tourism 

Friday, 19 May at 11.30 am – Giovanni Verreschi takes part in the discussion “Intelligenza Artificiale e le professioni della cultura, della comunicazione, della creatività” (Artificial intelligence and the professions of culture, communication, creativity): how it is revolutionising the world of communication and in general the creative generation of content, from texts to music to images, with enormous potential, releasing new energy and time for human intellectual work. The benefits and achievements of Artificial Intelligence also expose to risks and limitations, which are the subject of current debate. The development, dissemination and use in education, culture and the world of communication of creativity will be strongly exposed to the issue of rights, freedoms, human dignity, privacy and protection of personal data, as well as non-discrimination and freedom of expression and information, and cultural diversity.