Palazzo Besta Museum - App

Polo Museale Regione Lombardia

  • Polo Museale Regione Lombardia

  • Graphic Design
  • Interaction Design
  • App Design
  • Content Production
  • Serious game / Gamification

Discover Palazzo Besta through an innovative app on your smartphone

The Palazzo Besta App developed by ETT is a multimedia tool for discovering the Palazzo on your own, remotely or on site. Using their smartphone or tablet, visitors can discover new content and deepen their previous knowledge through customised routes, in-depth information sheets, audio tracks, surprising augmented reality experiences and games for the whole family.

The app grew from an analysis of museum visitors and a study of their visit-service needs. It accompanies visitors during the visit, navigating within the Palace and guiding them to the numerous rooms and richly decorated areas. In addition to the Italian version, the app is also available in English and German. Information levels are diversified, starting from a general outline of the area, the history of the Palace and its family, working up to the description of the pictorial series and the most important architectural features.

in primo piano le mani di una ragazza che tengono un cellulare sul parapetto in marmo di un balcone mentre scorre sul cellulare l'applicazione del museo di palazzo besta nella sezione percorsi, nell'applicazione immagini di affreschi, sullo sfondo un pozzo e delle colonne antiche
mockup applicazione di Palazzo Besta, realizzata da ett, sulla schermata lo sfondo di un affresco del palazzo con le opzioni di scelta per l'utente

The application is divided into 4 different thematic routes, differing in duration and target audience, with various levels of in-depth analysis and additional content: general overview of the area, history of the Palazzo and the Besta family, description of the painting cycles and architectural peculiarities.

Based on initial profiling, the visitor is offered the route that best meets his or her needs. One is intended for families: accompanied by the little lion Teio, mascot of Palazzo Basta, children can try their hand at quizzes and games, proposed with interactions using Augmented Reality in search of the animals painted in the rooms of the Palace.

Another is designed to be fully accessible to those with mobility difficulties. Additional content coordinates with recent measures to improve the physical accessibility of the museum, which are still being implemented.

The attention paid to accessibility in its various meanings dictated multiple measures, such as the possibility for hearing-impaired visitors to use cables that can be connected directly to their personal hearing device.

The app offers the user the possibility to register with the system in order to receive customised notifications based on their interests. The post-visit experience is enriched by the possibility of receiving personalised push notifications, knowing in real time dates of events and special initiatives and viewing content saved during the visit to the museum. Some points of interest will be enriched with AR content, which can be viewed thanks to car recognition.

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