
The Divine Comedy VR

  • ETT Project
  • 3D Production
  • Content Production
  • Video Production

An Immersive Journey, a winning combination of storytelling, technology and cinema

The Divine Comedy VR: Inferno, an immersive journey is an audiovisual product in 3D virtual reality and 2D linear technique lasting about 7 minutes, directed by Federico Basso for the computer graphics part and Alessandro Parrello for the live footage part, dedicated to the representation of some aesthetically significant moments of the Inferno described by Dante at the beginning of his Comedy and accompanied by the voice of Francesco Pannofino.

Structured as a skillful integration of live filming, video post-production, computer graphics and 3D modeling/animation, the work offers the viewer innovative and highly immersive ways of enjoying the world imagined within one of the masterpieces of world literature and poetry, a symbol of the linguistic-cultural identity of our country.

Making the project unique and innovative is the 360-degree subjective 3D VR technology that allows viewers to immerse themselves even deeper into the scenes, in which real locations and actors will be integrated with CGI Animation.

Cinema, technology, storytelling and literary accuracy come together to create a completely new experience, showcasing to a wide international and young audience the figure of Dante Alighieri and restoring the contents of The Comedy in an unprecedented and engaging way.

ETT was entirely in charge of the production in CGI Animation, with a long work of conception, design and realization of 3D animated models, starting from a storyboard deeply related to the verses and images of Dante’s Divine Comedy.

The viewer is, in fact, given the opportunity to recognize Dante lost in the “dark forest” at the edge of Hell, and then literally assume his gaze and become the Poet. In addition to the visual dimension, the project pays special attention to sound design, to sound architecture able to trace the contours of a 360-degree experience. A feature that turns out to be consistent with Dante’s inventions. The Poet, in fact, in the Divine Comedy dwells several times on the voices, noises, and acoustic suggestions that run through the Otherworldly.

The eyes of the viewer coincide with those of the protagonist, and through this “entry into character,” each person can experience his or her own fall into the Underworld, impersonating Dante during the otherworldly journey. Images, sounds, moans, screams, sudden appearances and powerful visual metaphors populate an extraordinary journey, the ultimate meaning of which is not only to look at or be transported by the verses of the Comedy, but also to assimilate its atmospheres, as if those figures, colors and sounds were really all around us.

Una scena dell'Inferno di Dante tratto da La Dvina Commedia VR
Scena distorta di un paesaggio naturale inquietante de La Divina Commedia VR: l'Inferno, un viaggio immersivo, cortometraggio realizzato da ETT sotto la direzione di Federico Basso e con la voce narrante di Francesco Pannofino
Un'immagine del cortometraggio La Divina Commedia VR: l'inferno un viaggio immersivo che ritrae i dannati nel lago Cocito

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