Auto del mese


  • UnipolSai
  • Digital Design
  • App Design
  • Web Development
  • Interaction Design

A first step towards virtualisation of in-store visits, carried out in a safer and more convenient way

For UnipolRental, UnipolSai‘s long-term rental service, ETT designed and implemented the web platform.

The portal’s innovative features allow users to explore the interior and exterior of a car at 360°, both in the classic way, by moving the frame with the mouse, and in Augmented Reality directly from the web and without downloading any dedicated app. Just frame the QR code with the smartphone, select AR mode, then place the car model in the physical space around the user and view its details in augmented mode.

mockup dell'app web di unipol sai realizzata da ett
spot cartaceo di auto del mese di unipol sai dove è presente il qr code che rimanda alla realtà aumentata realizzata da ett
The AR Web feature makes it possible to interact with a car model by placing it in a real environment, conveying the feeling of being in a real showroom.
locandina di unipol sai - unipol rental

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