Madonie: accessibile culture

Municipality of Castellana Sicura

  • Municipality of Castellana Sicura
  • Video production
  • Digitalization
  • Software Development
  • Accessibility
  • Web Development

Initiatives to promote accessibility and inclusion in places of tangible and intangible culture

ETT and GruppoMeta developed and produced all the materials for the photographic campaign, the video guides in LIS International Sign Language and the digital archive for the enhancement and accessibility of the points of interest and places of tangible and intangible culture of the Madonie: Accessible Culture project.

madonie cultura accessibile, foto del borgo antico della città

Through a capillary action of surveying the tangible and intangible present in the territory of the 11 municipalities involved, it was possible to create facilitated digital content, expressly designed for full accessibility and usability on a wide variety of media- from the QR code of information signage to territorial websites and social channels-and smartphonedevices, tablets, PCs, notebooks.

Photographs and videos are now collected and organized in a digital archive created with a state-of-the-art application that, like a digital library, allows for their facilitated search and reuse for all the communication needs, contexts and perspectives that will emerge from future developments and territorial synergies animating the project.

progetto per la cultura accessibile, madonie, donna in basso che traduce in linguaggio lis

Photo Campaign

A full-bodied photo and video campaign documented the artistic – cultural richness of the 11 municipalities participating in the project: more than 90 photos now depicting the different cultural places and related points of interest in the Madonie Mountains, a complete and exhaustive series of images, available in HDR mode and no lower than 4K resolution, processed and archived within the Digital Library. The photographic campaign was carried out simultaneously with static and drone video shooting. For each municipality participating in the project, an introduction video of the territory was made with the relevant points of interest dedicated to the Material and Intangible Heritage of each territory. The aerial images, captured with drones, describe the landscapes and architecture of the villages, dwelling on the main territorial emergencies of the Madonie. Each video is accompanied by musical accompaniment, voice-over and LIS interpretation.

Videoguides in Italian Sign Language

The implementation of the video guides in LIS was based on the use of the best and most innovative techniques and technologies of filming, editing and audio-video post-production, accompanied by the most rigorous and reliable scientific and cultural preparation. The footage shot on location during the events and throughout the campaign was supplemented with archival materials to cover otherwise unavailable video material.

The audiovisual products aim to shine a new light on the Madonie territories and provide a series of innovative portraits of the host territories among history, environment and culture.

Digital Archive

An archiving and management system for multimedia materials-videos, images-has been developed to store each digital object according to geographic distribution.

A unified access point that localities and municipalities involved in the project draw on to enhance and disseminate their artistic and cultural heritage through the use of multimedia resources, with a useful metadata system to facilitate searching.

An agile and intuitive management solution with which it is possible to optimize the archiving of digital materials of all kinds – including those of libraries, archives, press offices, and cultural offices within the jurisdiction of the institution – and systematize the indexing and access to information and cultural resources related to the evolving prospects of the project.

screen della pagina del sito web per il progetto madonie, realizzato da ett

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