Praetorian Palace

Municipality of Prato

  • Municipality of Prato
  • Video Production
  • 3D Production
  • Content Production
  • Accessibility
  • Interaction Design
  • Sound Design

Special sensors located within the model allow content to be activated by simple touch, thus significantly breaking down any barrier between the user and the object being explored

To stimulate all the sensory dimensions that are fundamental for a blind and visually impaired audience, as well as for young people or those with cognitive disabilities: this is the purpose of the sensorized scale model of the Praetorian Palace Museum created through 3D modeling and printing.

Design, development, supply and installation of the interactive multimedia model of Praetorian Palace, including all audiovisual content production and the supporting structure of the same, were ETT’s areas of focus.

The multimedia technology station consists of a scale model of Praetorian Palace that is interactive and accessible to all. The goal of the station is, in fact, to reduce the perceptual diaphragm related to the exclusive use of sight, stimulating other sensory dimensions, such as the tactile and acoustic ones.

A workstation built following the principles of Design for All:

  • The model is installed on a support structure specially designed to be easy for people with motor disabilities.
  • Behind the model, a monitor initiates in-depth graphic content and LIS videos for deaf and hard of hearing audiences.
  • A special handrail makes it easier for blind audiences to locate the model for tactile exploration and the language selection and start button.
  • The button activates an audio and video introduction, which provides instructions for enjoying the model and an initial historical background.
  • The audience is subsequently invited to explore by touch the model itself to discover through specific POIs (Points of Interest) the architectural details of the Palace and its history. Thanks to special sensors, on simply touching the POIs all contents _ audio and video _ are activated synchronously, for a new visiting experience that implies the integration of different perceptual and sensory levels, thus breaking down all barriers.
  • All content has been created in Italian, English, LIS AND ISL.

The audio-descriptive content serves as a guide and to enrich the experience. The texts have been reworked in an accessible key to guide the tactile exploration of the blind audience and for easy comprehension by all. Sign Language and subtitles facilitate enjoyment for the hearing and hearing-impaired audiences.

PLATICO DI PALAZZO PRETORIO A PRATO, PROGETO DI ETT E SPACE, dettaglio per la selezione della lingua in LIS o IS

Technologies and Know-how

The creation of the 3D model was the result of careful 3D modeling from CAD surveys and photographic references, considering the rendering of architectural details in relation to tactile sensitivity.

The next stage involved single-block 3D printing of the main body of the Praetorian Palace, and the adjacent Palazzo del Monte di Pietà, at a resolution such that every detail can be appreciated, with a threshold of appreciability of 1mm.

Special sensors located inside the model allow content to be activated by a simple touch, thus significantly breaking down any barrier between the user and the object to be explored. This immediate approach is particularly important for blind and visually impaired audiences, but also brings younger audiences or those with special cognitive disabilities closer.

The in-depth videos are synchronized with audio and combine drone photography with special graphic effects that highlight architectural details of the Palace. LIS interpreter and subtitles facilitate the use of the content for deaf and hard of hearing audiences.

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