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locandina food for thought per il forum PMI il sesto forum nazionale project management, 6 ottobre 2023, in basso a destra i loghi in negativo di PMI e food for thought su sfondo viola, sulla sinistra la sagoma di una mela stilizzata di colore arancione

After the Florence, Naples and Milan stages and the exclusively online editions of the last two years, the National Project Management Forum 2023, a congress launched in 2017 and aimed at project managers from all over the country, will be held in Bologna and specifically at Fico Eataly World, chosen for its thematic and geographical centrality to this year’s theme: Food for Thought. “Food”, therefore, not only as nourishment for the body, but also as an endless source of creativity, culture and sharing. In this year’s edition, ETT will describe the PM’s essential role within a creative digital company specialising in technological innovation. 

Francesca Leon, Project Manager and Business Developer at ETT, will focus on the La Divina Commedia VR project. The Virtual Reality production of the two short films “Inferno” and “Purgatorio” explored how this new narrative angle can turn the audience into ambassadors of beauty.

But how did this meeting of creative ideas, storytelling, and innovation occur? The Project Manager’s role is fundamental because he or she develops, plans and manages the executive phases of the project and is therefore responsible for achieving and reviewing the expected results. In the case of La Divina Commedia VR, the PM acts as an intermediary between the director and all the players involved in the realisation of the project: scriptwriter, editor, etc. Her role allows her to fullymanage the project complexity, planning and supervising all phases, regardless of the technologies used and the technical challenges.

To access the full programme and to attend the events, including ETT’s talk see this page.