
  • Big Data
  • Data Analysis
  • Risk Assessment
  • Stress S.c.a r.l.
  • University of Naples, F. II
  • University of Padua
  • T.R.E. Consortium
  • C.R.A.C.A.
  • Veneto Nanotech
  • Sipre

A project for seismic protection and enhancement of historic buildings

The GREVAP PROVACI – Technologies for Seismic Protection and Enhancement of Complexes of Cultural Interest, focuses on the seismic protection and the enhancement of historic buildings through the development of integrated techniques and methodologies for the protection, sustainable rehabilitation and enhancement of sites and structures of historical and artistic interest.

To assess the vulnerability, an initial effort has concentrated on defining systematic methodologies of knowledge through geometric, material and structural investigations, supported by a strong interaction with monitoring and in situ testing.

due immagini distinte: sulla sinistra parte di rovine viste dall'alto, sulla destra una riproduzione futuristica, attraverso un render, di una zona in rovina con una ragazza al centro e in alto un drone che vola in cielo

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