Liguria 4P Health

  • MAPS S.p.a.
  • FOS Green Tech s.r.l.
  • Impara s.r.l.
  • Camelot Biomedical Systems s.r.l.
  • Netalia s.r.l.
  • Nextage s.r.l.
  • Università di Genova
  • E.O. Ospedale Galliera
  • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche-CNR

Predictive, Personalized, Preventive, Participatory

TheLiguria 4P Health Project aims to improve the quality of life and increase the likelihood of care for frail and chronically ill patients. Within the program, an eHealth/mHealth platform has been implemented, which accompanies the person on the journey through prevention and treatment, increasing the quality and duration of their life, in an effective and more sustainable way for the Liguria Region’s Healthcare System. has been implemented, which accompanies the person on the journey through prevention and treatment, increasing the quality and duration of their life, in an effective and more sustainable way for the Liguria Region’s Healthcare System.

foto del busto di un medico che tiene al centro e in primo piano tra le mani un cellulare, con al collo un fonendoscopio
The project had the primary objective of developing an innovative mobile-health software/hardware product with an artificial intelligence ‘core’ component for analysing both unstructured clinical data and data acquired in real time from wearable or environmental sensors for monitoring chronically ill and frail elderly patients in their personalised care pathway. This main objective was declined into sub-goals aimed at linking the different modules of the product with specific monitoring and care needs for the main criticalities and pathologies. Using these technologies and being able to access them through a single integrated product usable through a cloud platform will have a significant impact in making intensive observation and care pathways at home or in protected post-degree hospital facilities technically and economically manageable for a growing portion of the population without affecting the overall sustainability of the healthcare system.

Project wording:2018-2021 Regione Liguria – POR FESR 2014-2020. “Liguria 4P HEALTH (Predictive, Personalized, Preventive, Participatory)”. Leading partner: MAPS S.p.a.

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